Official Android apps of the most famous printed and online advertisement
Official Android apps of the most famous printed and online edition of the advertisement " Halo Oglasi " allows you to:
✓ You search the base of small ads per keyword or by categories
✓ To create and save your searches
✓ To create lists of your selected ads
✓ You add small ads
✓ Manage your own small ads (delete / extension)
✓ Search your own ads
✓ You manage your user profile and account
Our opinion is precious and in the coming period we will work a lot to improve the application in accordance with your benevolent suggestions and comments that you can send to us to [email protected] or by contact form in the application itself.
We will read and adopt all your sincere suggestions so that we eventually come to the application that suits you best.
Your Halo Oglasi
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